Friday, December 16, 2005

Hope you are warm and toasty - it's pretty chilly here. Below are some things to check out. We hope you enjoy your weekend. My daughter is out of school starting next week for the holidays - actually she is out today because the roads are icy - so we'll be on a limited posting schedule (read that as maybe no posts) till Jan 2nd. During this time try to find some other ways to piggy back your ads. We'll do the same and post our thoughts in January.

We hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year. Thank you for letting us be a small part of your lives.

There seems to be a battle going on between Yahoo and Google over paid links.

A recap of the recent Chi town Search Engine Conference

Ratings on the search engines - no surprise Google leads - interesting though more people are searching which is good news for everyone.

Click here

Top 99 search terms with 9 letters from A9.... hmmm

Tim and Lisa

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